
Automatic donor registration – A global view

June’s Monthly Pulse asked about automatic donor registration. Some countries (for example, Spain and France) have automatic organ donor registration, where everyone is considered to want to donate their organs in the event of brain or cardiac death unless they opt out.

Whilst views of organ donation are largely positive, there is a large gap globally between the number of registered donors and those awaiting organ donations. This raises the question:

"Should automatic organ donor registration be a global standard?"

You can find the results of this month’s ‘Pulse’ below. It’s clear that there was a great deal of parity across all the nationalities surveyed. In Europe, 73% think that automatic organ donor registration should be a global standard, versus the 27% who disagree. A closer analysis into each country shows that Spanish respondents, at 78%, are the most supportive of automatic donor registration. Conversely, with only 63% in favour, German doctors were the least supportive.

Interestingly, in countries where automatic donor registration is already in place (namely Spain and France, although some of the UK respondents will be Welsh) there was no significant difference in support for the approach from the countries where it has not been adopted, although arguably it may be too soon for French doctors to appreciate the implications fully.

Results in Canada and the USA are quite similar too, with more than 70% from both respondent groups agreeing that automatic organ donor registration should be a global standard.

Results in Canada and the USA are quite similar too, with more than 70% from both respondent groups agreeing that automatic organ donor registration should be a global standard.

By registering with M3 Global Research you will receive the Monthly Pulse directly to your inbox and you will be able to share your opinion about relevant healthcare related issue and compare your thoughts with your colleagues around the World.


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