
Coronavirus: physician and patient perspectives – 3rd week

In the third week of this study we've analysed responses from 3,574 healthcare professionals and 851 members of the general public in Europe and the USA.

As the concentration of cases in Western Europe continues, we’re seeing opinions trend in line with those of Italian respondents in earlier weeks of the study.

As with last week, the biggest shifts can be seen in perceptions of the threat level that Covid-19 presents, and, particularly in the UK, a concern about preparedness, with only 37% confident in local plans. Incidence of viral mutation remains low, at 7% globally.

There is no incentive available for participation, and the respondents represent a random sample of all M3 Global Research panel members.

We are still looking for healthcare professionals and general public to take part, register today and share your opinion

Confidence in government and local plans

Global HCP confidence has decreased to 60% as respondents start to tackle Covid-19 cases in their own clinical settings, and government plans evolve in response. French patients are particularly supportive of their government with 83% confident in their plans, up from 61% last week. The HCP picture in Italy remains consistent despite the high incidence of cases, but elsewhere confidence in the government’s preparedness has dropped from 61% to 41% in the UK, and 64% to 46% in the USA.

In terms of local plans, patient confidence has increased to 65%, and 66% for HCPs, largely unchanged from last week. At a country-level however, although confidence is largely improved, the UK has seen a drop to 37% (56% last week) reflecting the fast-changing situation there.

At a hospital / facility level there’s very little change, even in the UK. The only noteworthy change is in the USA, dropping from 71% to 64%.

How serious of a threat is Covid-19 at a local level

As the focus of the disease moves away from Asia and there is an increased prevalence of cases in Europe and the USA, it’s unsurprising that both HCPs and patients are increasingly seeing Covid-19 as a severe threat to their community.

Last week saw significant increases, and this week that pattern continues, with 51% HCPs globally considering Covid-19 to be a severe threat.

At a country level every market shows large increases, with the exception of Italy, which stays the same, at 70%, still the highest threat level across all markets. Spain is slightly behind at 66%, up from 27% last week. France also sees extreme increases, especially in patients, rising from 20% last week to 67% this week.

How can we contain Covid-19?

Whilst government policies around containment measures evolve, the data continues to show increasing support for the more drastic approaches. This is particularly the case in Italy where HCPs are seeing the benefit of those policies in practice.

As schools close across the majority of markets support for this has increased to 69%, from just 21% two weeks ago. Curfews are now supported by 35% respondents, and quarantines by 76%. Interestingly, support for protective equipment has increased steadily, week-on-week, perhaps as shortages are revealed. 72% support the suspension of international travel, a measure that has not yet been put in place by some significant markets, including the UK and USA.

Staying up-to-date: media coverage

Concern over media coverage continues to drop across all markets – down to 59% of HCPs this week, from 71% in week one. Now only 14% consider the coverage to be ‘alarmist and unnecessary’, half of week one’s 32%.

28% HCPs now consider it to be ‘fair and balanced’ and this follows the trend, identified last week, of more responsible reporting of the pandemic.

Staying up-to-date: official information

96% HCPs are now checking official information on Covid-19 at least daily, compared to 87% last week, and 73% in week one.

The number of HCPs checking information multiple times a day is now at over half (53%) versus 21% in week one. Last week, 22% of US doctors were only checking for updates weekly or less frequently, this week that’s dropped to 4%, with 57% now checking multiple times a day.


  1. Well in this time of worldwide pandemic we should be updated about this. Staying up to date can keep you out in trouble. The only one who can defeat this invisible monster is us. We need to unite to defeat this rapidly spreading virus. I think the government should make their prospective country’s healthcare stronger. Those front-liners is our hero and shield at this time of the pandemic.

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