
awareness day

We Help Affiliates To Spread The Word


Here is the calendar of awareness events from the UK, US and across the world we support. By doing this, we raise awareness and funds to fight against different diseases and conditions.

28th February - Rare Disease Day

28th  February is Rare  Disease  Day, a reminder that  we  need to work together to inspire hope and change across all health conditions. A rare disease describes  any disorder that affects only a small percentage of the population. Although their disease may be rare, patients and

M3’s Fundraising quiz for Blood Cancer UK

With £327 raised from our brilliant internal quiz we reached a massive 130% of our fundraising target. We always aim to understand the experiences and opinions of people living with health conditions through research studies. To further support people living

Caring for the Carers

Throughout the pandemic we’ve been delighted to be able to support frontline workers on both sides of the Atlantic with regular food deliveries. We’re proud to have made an effort to take care of those doing so much for others